Personal? There's nothing personal on the items that I brought up. It's not personal as I don't know you. My previous post already indicated that your personal life is not being assumed and judged in this case, but if you choose to interpreted that way then I can't help ya.
You misinterpreted my reply by thinking that I am generalizing your overall way of life as a lazy one.
How you conduct yourself in your everyday life is your own business, but when I see an action that may jeopardize the fish and angling sector, I'll point it out. what's there to be hurt about? Take them as advices, just like I have done when someone points out my own flaws in the past. You learn as you go along.
The words may seem harsh, but let's look at this from a different perspective. I don't type up all that spew just for the sake of argument. The previous post probably took a good 20 minutes to finish. Why do I bother to stir things up and possibly drive people away from my own forum (basically risking my own business) by pointing out your wrongs? I could have simply left it as it is, assuming that you have no hope in the learning department and get on with my life. In this case, I chose otherwise. Because you have come here and let the cyber fishing community (you will be very surprised to know who actually read these forums in the industry) know where you are working now, you should be a bit more careful on how you conduct yourself when it comes to regulations. You will have a stronger influence because you will come in contact with more anglers than many others. Therefore I thought it was important to point that out.
I have read the regulations for the cap a bit back and i did know them in the back of my head but wasant sure about a few details. All the responses i got were exactly what i remembered so i could take the second hand information.
That wasn't the point. Although the regulations that others told you were exactly what you thought they would be, you should have read them first hand yourself. Instead, you were "Too lazy to look this up but allowe me to take another guess". That comment really ticked me off last night because it came from someone who has questioned DFO's ability to enforce. It ticked me off because I firmly believe this resource can only get better if both parties (anglers and DFO) work together and do their jobs.
Would you rather have a customer storming back to the store and yelling at you for providing the wrong regulations? Or would you want to take the points now and read it yourself instead of second guessing?
It's not a popularity/pissing contest. If this forum loses members when the moderators become outspoken on a particular issue then that's the price I will pay. If it makes 20 more people aware of the regulations before heading out, then I am getting my money worth.