OBD, herring abundance, both pacific and atlantic, have been shown to exhibit cyclic fluctuations in past studies. One year of low abundance is not an indication of poor stocks in future years. Such fluctuation is temperature, climatic, influenced. Data collected from Japan, California in the past few decades all show similar trends. I have the studies stacked away somewhere in the folders, I'll have to look them up later on when I get over this flu that I am having such a hard time to get rid of.
And of course, this fluctuation of abundance would have a key effect on salmon abundance.
When I get back in January, we should try jigging for herring. Bwi Bwi, you were getting them last January right?
Excellent eating fish in my opinion. Asians love to eat them salted and grilled, Europeans love to eat them pickled in various flavours.
I've never tried them smoked, would be interested to try that out too.