started off fishing around 9 30 ish, started at tamahi. fish nice pockets that water was high but green with pretty nice vis. perfect conditions that i like. I here some crackling in the bushes and and older gent came out with a nice 8# buck, bright chrome. We then head up river to some water i did even know were, did alot of bush wacking. Then no fish so decided to head up to the hatchery to check it out. lost of red coho, i have pics but to lazy to put them on. Then we decide to stop at limit hole and see what happening. As im casting a guy come beside me and take a cast and his float goes down and a 10# hatch doe is on the beach. I then am getting super stoked to get a fish and im sure theres a fish between limit and cement slab so i work the water all the way down with roe, and then all the way back up with a pink worm and nothin. Headed to on the way for some subs and she said she herd of 3 fish caught. We head back to tamahi and try agian, we see our friend on the other side and he said that he has hooked one. I fish both side up and down but the kayakers kept comming into my pools so i went below the bridge. I walked for a long time.... Then i cast and im just about to head back up as its getting dark then my float takes a plunge. I set, a few head shakes and what ever it was is now gone. Thats my day. Another great day on the river.