My friend Dean and I were on the Chehalis river this afternoon, and we ran in to a fellow who told us that him and a group of guys are intending on putting one or more gravel pits in the upper Chehalis canyon somewhere between 4 mile and possibly all the way up to Statlu creek.
He said that his friend bought the mineral rights to that area, and they have already been doing sampling of the area for gravel extraction.
He said that they already had a fisheries biologist with them last week to go over the area and ideas. He said it will be a large operation with settling ponds, buffer zones, etc..
Apparently they will be barging the gravel out through the Harrison by the Highway bridge!!!?
I didn't get the biologists last name, but he said his first name was Jim. I think I am familiar with who the Biologist is but I won't post any info If I am not sure.
Apparently they have also already been in contact with the Chehalis Native Reserve to discuss having Natives employed in the operation.
He said the Natives have tentatively agreed with the proposals as long as they ensure to use at least 30 to 40% native man power in the operation.
He also said they are discussing the idea of these same Gravel workers to re direct the water back to the hatchery side. I got the impression that this is part of the deal so that the Natives get a lock on the employment opportunities of the proposed gravel extraction operation.
I don't know about any of you guys, but this is the first I have heard of it, and I am in contact with the Hatchery workers, and some Gov. people at times.
Unless this guy ( First name is Tom.) is jumping the gun, then I believe we have a lot to worry about!!!!!!!!
I said to him that the settling ponds have had no affect on fixing the silt problem on the Coquitlam river, and he said to me that that was because they put them in after the pit was in operation for quite some time, and it was too late to fix the problem. That did not make sense to me.
I asked him what the forcasted start time was for this. He said it should be under way in the next 5 years.
If anyone has some info on this please post it.
I will be contacting some people about this tomorrow, and I will post the info I find out.
If this is in fact in the works I will be contacting some people and organizations for help in fighting this gravel extraction operation, including the press. I can not see how this is going to be beneficial to our fish, wildlife and environment.
Looking forward to your comments and concerns.