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Author Topic: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19  (Read 4382 times)

chris gadsden

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A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« on: January 19, 2006, 08:55:29 PM »

Welcome to another of my fishing journals and a special welcome to the local coffee shop boys that I hear I am giving them something to talk about each morning over coffee as some have been reading my reports, welcome aboard. ;D ;D I should write this journal after midnight after they have all gone to bed. ;D ;D ;D

After being blanked yesterday and not even being able to get a wild fish from some other angler for the brood stock program I made the commitment to stay out all day if need be to try to get back in the groove so to speak. The task would be to see if I could catch one myself or pick up one from another angler who would be willing to donate it to the cause.

I got off to an earlier start than usual for the morning Tims coffee as I had to tie up some more roe bags that I forgot to do last night, actually I was too depressed after the Leafs loss to tackle it. ::) It is 7 a. m. and I am parked in the lighted Best Western parking lot ???, sipping coffee and tying up  5 roe bags using pro cured steelhead bait that has taken 4 of the 6 steelhead that I have beached so far this season. The other 2 have been taken, one on a prawn tail and the other on Dean's tied up magical roe sack.

With this always messy task with roe complete it is off for the few minute drive to the river and start heading out to the flow, no other anglers in sight other than Joe relaxing in his truck waiting to make his move as daylight approaches. We discuss where each is going and it is not the same place. ;D Joe is one of the best rods on the river and not too many days go by that he is not into a fish.

As I move to my chosen run to start the day I hear the hum of the commuter traffic over and above the sounds in my ears of the rushing water that is sweeping by me as I wade and splash my way across a Vedder River side channel. Sometimes we forget to listen to her sweet music as its winter chilled waters cascades to its final destination, Georgia Strait.

As I clear the side channel my feet now crunch in the gravel bar as my steps now quicken to reach the now famous KE run ;D before Helmut and his dog Mavis who have now appeared in view. A little selfish we anglers can be at time trying to beat others to a particular place and I am guilty as the next person sometimes.

As I reach the top of the run to make my first cast one of the newly tied roe bag is quickly slipped over the # 1 gammy that once again has a little tuff of pink wool placed in the bait knot.

The first cast of the new day sees the Leaf drennan splash down and starts it journey downstream, in close, searching for that steelhead that may be lurking in the 2 feet of water, resting there in the safety of the now past darkness of the night, after a journey through some fast water below.

A quick look to see if my friend Helmut is in fact heading my way and just as I start to turn my head float down, on the first cast no less, I strike nothing there. :o Next cast, same spot and I am ready this time down it goes again, again nothing. I know it is not bottom so out shoots the third cast, this time the drennan top stays dry. Fourth cast, float dips and just before I strike the float seems to be moving up stream a tad, I strike, the flash of a fish follows and just as quickly there is no tension as the fish is gone. Disgusted.

Just then Helmut has reached the run, I tell him I have just lost one. I replace the now smashed roe bag and out goes cast #5, at least 20 feet above and further out where I had just lost the fish down she goes again, I can not believe this I am thinking as for the 4th time hook setting time.

This time there is good tension and movement as line is removed from my reel rather quickly as the steelhead now vacates it resting spot, heading to the middle of river and downstream at the same time. It then turns and goes upstream towards a small submerged gravel bar before once again going downstream. As the steelhead begins to tire it comes into view of Helmut, who thinks for a moment it may be a wild. I toss the holding tube off my shoulder just in case but as I get it closer we see it is  a hatchery buck close to 13 pounds. As he flips on his side I quickly snap some photo's before returning him to the river.

What a start to the day all before 8. ;D We are joined by Dick and the three of work the water in great anticipation of more fish but nothing more so I move on to try a few other runs.

I find no more fish but find 5 floats instead before returning to the scene of todays action and are joined by Trout Slayer. I believe I have 2 takes on a prawn tail but will let TS report on this.

I tell him I am going for a break and a coffee, we agree to meet later down river.

I stop in at Woody's Grill for some more Java. It is located at the intersection of Vedder Mountain and the Cultus Lake turnoff and Steve a very experienced all round fisherman is running it. He invites anglers to stop in for a meal and get the latest news of whats happening on the river. With a couple of other restaurants now closed Steve's place is the closest place along the river to take a break from fishing and have some food and get some good info on fishing at the same time. Steve is offering a free meal for the first fish brought in each day.

As I settle in for coffee a number of regular anglers are also there and we exchange many stories of our recent success and failures. I find out my good friend GW... are tied up at 7 fish each in our friendly competion.

As the place empties Lew and Don come in and I relive my morning to date. We decide to head down to where I said I would meet Trout Slayer. He pulls in at the same time and we see there is a lot of cars there, the three of them head to the river while I head upstream to another parking area, tie some more roe bags and walk downstream to meet up with them.

 I soon meet Trout Slayer and we fish together for an hour or so and all I find is a snag that claimed a dennan from me on derby day. I am lucky to get off it but TS said he would swim for my drennan if need be, a good fishing partner. We run into Pistol Pete out fishing for a bit after work but we have no bites in the area we are working. No sign of Lew or Don, did they get a quick fish each and are headed for home?  ;D I bid TS and PP farewell wishing them luck as I head back up to the Leaf Mobile.

 As I approach a run that is on the other side of the river I hear some jubilant shouting and see two anglers, one with a fish on. They are very excited as they should be with a nice steelhead hooked.  I get my camera ready for a shot of the action but I must have jinxed them as all of a sudden the air has changed from jubilation to the complete opposite as some unhappy words now fills the surroundings woods. :-X

I continue my journey to-wards my truck my steps shorten as fatigue starts to set in from close to 8 hours on the river making my last cast at 4:45. Just think I could have been finished in about 10 minutes this morning if I had taken that hatchery. It also could have put me in first place at Fred's derby although I heard a 17 to 18 pounder was taken yesterday but I do not know if it was entered in the Wally Hall junior Memorial derby.

However if I had done that I would not have had some good fellowship throughout the day. There is also plenty of time to take another hatchery fish or two if I wish as the season is just starting. ;D

 I stop at Yarrow for gas at 85.9 and head for home and a welcome supper my wife has on the table. As I maneuver through the traffic that is now humming home from a day of work all I can think about is tomorrow and what adventure awaits me once again. Will it be 4 chances in 5 drifts once again, I sort of think not but you never know. ;D

The third photo is the boys hiking up the river after losing the steelhead I mentioned.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 05:53:09 AM by chris gadsden »


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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 09:08:14 PM »

great report, i cant wait till saturday, what was the visabiliy and level like? ;D

Trout Slayer

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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 09:08:21 PM »

Was a great day to be out despite the lack of fish(on my line anyway.) Just being there with Chris was good enough, learned some new water and knew the potential of catching a Steelhead was there as always with Chris I have seemed to have good luck while fishing with him. :)

I find no more fish but find 5 floats instead before returning to the scene of todays action and are joined by Trout Slayer. I believe I have 2 takes on a prawn tail but will let TS report on this.
Yes, his float went under, through it back in and either the next cast or a few after he glanced upstream at me and his float was just diving underwater again. Missed. He left for a break and 15-20 minutes later my float was buried in the same spot and no connection, reeled in and found no roe bag. That was all the action for me, I guess I fed that fish with that nice roe bag. ;D

I soon meet Trout Slayer and we fish together for an hour or so and all I find is a snag that claimed a dennan from me on derby day. I am lucky to get off it but TS said he would swim for my drennan if need be, a good fishing partner.

Yeah, I was planning on retrieving it for him had it broke off, but he would have to await its return after I tested it out first with all its luck lately. ;D ;D ;D

Hoping for not too much rain tonight so the rivers fishable at KE run tomorrow and it will be me with that 13lbs Hatchery. ;D
« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 09:10:30 PM by Trout Slayer »


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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2006, 10:01:32 PM »

Good report Chris.  We need these journals to keep our steelhead blood pumping until next trip.  ;D

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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 10:08:11 PM »

Another great write up Chris. It's like a movie, we can tell exactly what's going on around you. Thank you for the info about the food joint. Fishing always makes me hungry. ;D

Keep up the good work! :)


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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 11:16:23 PM »

Chris, your stories and and info. on what's happening on the vedder makes me feel like i'm up there all the time with you...makes work days a lot better though it's killing me not fishing as much as i'd like or catching anything now that i'm married to the nun of fishing....i sure do look forward to reading your reports each day, hope the good fortune and stories keep coming...

chris gadsden

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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2006, 05:46:06 AM »

great report, i cant wait till saturday, what was the visabiliy and level like? ;D
Still high but very fisable

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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2006, 05:59:21 AM »

Great job on the Steely Chris and another stellar read!!  I hope the rain holds off for a bit more as I can't wait to get out this weekend again!!! :D :D
Fishing and Cars.... gotta love it!


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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2006, 01:13:41 PM »

great report, i cant wait till saturday, what was the visabiliy and level like? ;D
Still high but very fisable

Thanks  ;D


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Re: A Long Day Steelheading On The Vedder, Jan. 19
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2006, 02:24:49 PM »

Awsome report chirs. YOUR SLAYING THEM. Iv only got 1 this year :-[