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Author Topic: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.  (Read 3823 times)

chris gadsden

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The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« on: February 12, 2006, 10:27:47 PM »

As usual a warm Sunday night welcome to the journal on FWR.

Being the weekend I tend to do little fishing in most cases and this weekend was no exception.I like to go out on the river to see what is going on, chat to other anglers, cleanup some garbage, find some floats and so forth.

Saturday morning saw me on the river as daylight signalled another day. At least the wind cooperated some as it had died down from Friday's hurricane. Lots of weekend anglers anxious to begin fishing were scurrying around the river access roads like children on an Easter egg hunt. ;D

I come upon a gravel pit party and me and another angler cleanup all the garbage spread around. We burn up some of stuff and I throw the recyclables into the back of the Leaf Mobile. While cleaning the mess up I see an angler beach and retain a nice hatchery fish.

The goose season reopened today and some hunters were having a field day by the amount of shots they were firing. Hope they were successful as we are getting overpopulated by these chaps that stay with us 12 months of the year. They cause such a mess now in our parks, golf courses etc. due to their exploding numbers.

I run into Proflex out on his first steelhead trip of the year as he stops for a brief chat.

With the mess after an half an hour of work now cleaned up I head down river and stop to pick up some more garbage. I then see Proflex now opposite me, stops his truck and then holds up a steelhead of about 12 pounds a hatchery doe. I heard later it took only about 12 casts to connect, talk about skill. ;D

I then run into "The Master" and while he fishes I visit for a while but during that time with him he did not find a fish before I head for home.

I had planned to maybe slip out for the last hour for a brief cast or two but instead look after two of the grandchildren and we have a fun time shopping and dinning out together. As I look at them over dinner I hope there will be fishing opportunities for them in the future if they choose to take it up. They help keep me involved in the fishing issues and look after the environment the best I can in a small way in the hope we can save it for them and future generations.

Sunday morning I head out for another drive and have to cleanup another party site. Also see a 4 by 4 hung up on some boulders, later a tow truck comes to rescue it.

Run into Proflex again trying to go 2 for 2. He tells me a fellow across river had pulled a steelhead up on the gravel bar before shoving it back into the water. >:( I asked did not anyone say anything apparently no one did. A while later this guy is into another and we see him once again pull it up a few feet onto the gravel, "hope it is a hatchery" I say. If not I will not remain quiet. Sure enough the fellow appears to grab it around the head and back into the water it goes. Well that ends up spoiling my day as I sort of lose it and give him a few choice words, I hear no response. I cannot believe so many fishers have not heard about proper release methods.

A few more acquaintances drop by and I have to tell them about this mistreatment of the two steelhead by this guy.

Then to church to pray for this guy's sins and for the hope the two steelhead survive to make it safely to the spawning grounds. These were the only fish I saw if you can call it beached or landed. ???

Late afternoon I head out to check and change two of the garbage bags that I have placed at a couple of parking area's. I was glad to see some anglers are using them. However I picked up a couple of dozen of coffee cups so it appears a number of anglers do not seem to care what they throw out.

I also see a TV set on a gravel bar. I go to pick it up and see someone has thrown some rocks through the screen. I pick up the glass and an angler I know, Norm a top class fly fisher comes and we pack it to the Leaf Mobile.

I then have about 20 minutes of fishing time to get warmed up for tomorrow. Just before I leave the rivers I snap a picture of the full moon rising over Mount Cheam, a nice sight.

I am then approached by a fellow who recognizes my Avon and asks if I am CG. He tells me he is a pilot for Air Canada and just flew into Vancouver. He was raised in Chilliwack and now resides in Halifax and reads FWR as well as the journal. He and his dad have fished the Vedder for years he tells me, knows "The Master", KE and G. He is on a short layover and has 3 hours to fish tomorrow before heading out to Beijing I think he said. He says he enjoys reading the journal from Halifax, hearing about what is going on in Chilliwack and on the Vedder that he likes to fish when he gets the opportunity. I hope he finds a fish tomorrow. ;D ;D

Often I get asked why I write the journal and of course some people wish I did not as they feel it gets more people than they would like to see on the Vedder River. I will list a few reasons in no particular order or importance why I choose to do so.

(1) To start with I do not write it in a manner that I am trying to say I am a good angler. There is a lot more experienced anglers and successful anglers than I out there. I get my share but I have to work at it. I write about my short comings like recently being careless with my equipment in the back of the truck and having it blow out. Thawing my roe in the microwave etc.

(2) Rodney does so much for the education of young anglers and olderones as well along with beginning fishers. He promotes looking after the environment something that is very dear to my heart as well. It is because of him through his involvement with the Chiiliwack Vedder River Cleanup Coalition that has become very successful through the development of our web page by him. He does other web pages for the Chilliwack River Action Committee and soon one for the Sportsfishing Defense Alliance at very little cost or none for these volunteer organizations. He spends hours writing articles that gives fishing tips and how to become an successful angler. It is because of these few points and I am sure I have missed some I try through my journals to maybe attract a few anglers to FWR.

(3) In the same vain through my writing as amateur as it is, I try to educate, give tips that may help anglers catch fish, respect our fishes at all times, look after our environment and enjoy nature that surrounds us all when out fishing.

(4) I have met so many great people through FWR. They are not only great people but are willing to come out to support our river cleanups the last few years time after time. They are anglers that will write letters to politicians when required and support other activities and volunteer their time.

(5) In a time of declining license sales we need more anglers to show to the politicans and others the recreational fishery is alive and well. The more people we have that enjoy fishing the more political clout we will have. If I can get people excited and interested in fishing by my articles so much the better in my mind. As well on the Vedder and Fraser there is very little or any secrets out there. If I write the fishing is good one day in on spot. that does not mean it will be good the next. We all know that.

(6) I have numerous people say that they enjoy the articles. For example the fellow from Halifax today can read about his past home from a far by the magic of the net. I find very few will write they do like the journal although I know some do in certain circles which is their right as it is in mine as well to write them.

(7) Lastly I enjoy writing, even though I am not trained as a writer and besides I was terrible in English many moons ago in school. However I write from the heart and that gives me enjoyment. It must, as it takes a hour or so to write them by the hunt and pick method. I better close now as it is bed time as another adventure and another journal begins in about 8 hours. I hope you will enjoy reading it as I will writing it.

PS Almost forgot if you have not noticed  I like to publicize the Toronto Maple Leafs, they seem to need help rolling, rolling, rolling right along ;D ;D ;D to their first Stantley Cup since 1967. ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 05:29:42 AM by chris gadsden »

Trout Slayer

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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 10:43:20 PM »

Excellent read Chris. As for your journals, you allready know myself and others appreciate them very much so don't stop writing them. ;D While were stuck back at work and your on the river catching fish after fish I look forward to coming home and reading them with all the great detail provided as things like the weather and  water conditions are listed etc. Makes us have a good idea on when to come out fishing next as driving back and forth from the city to Chilliwack can get expensive on a regular basis. ;D ;D ;D Not only do you give us a great fishing report but you are always doing the environment good and raising awareness. Thanks again. :)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 10:45:32 PM by Trout Slayer »


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 11:00:17 PM »

I agree...your post are like great stories...keep em commin


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 11:00:42 PM »

Ditto t.s. the river was really busy today and after doing the clean up in Jan. with you I've started to think it's time i brought a garbage out with me too...was amazed at how fast it all starts stacking up again...would love to plant my boot in someones butt if i caught them doing it..but hey maybe that's just the redwing in me ;)

Keep the journals coming, they make the mundane days of work and not fishing bearable...

chris gadsden

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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 11:09:09 PM »

Thanks Rod for posting the Photo of the rising moon and the smashed TV.

I wonder if it was done by a unhappy Canuck Fan. ;D ;D

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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2006, 11:36:56 PM »

Agree with the other posters; keep those journals coming. I was actually enjoying reading your post until I came to your last line. Have you no shame Chris ? The Laughable Laughs lost again last night. Noticed that I didn't rub your nose in it ? God that was hard to do. :D :D :D


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2006, 07:34:10 AM »

keep them coming and tell the nay sayers too bad. You get out lots and it helps fuel the fire for those that don't get out enough. By the way, have you been contacted by any tackle reps yet?


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2006, 10:16:46 AM »

I dont really think your journals contribute to the masses of people on the vedder Chris.....more likely its the fact that its the largest hatchery steelhead run we have here.  Besides, there are plenty of places on the vedder that even an inexperienced vedderite like myself can find solitude, it just takes a little sneakiness and alot of time.


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2006, 10:31:22 AM »

Chris I  admire the passion you have for our fish and their waters and through your journals you bring the rivers to the many that are unable to fish as much as they would like as well as bringing awareness of many happenings and helping newer fisherman with your many tips,if more people would take your good advice there would be less problems on our systems and the crowding would be less of an issue,i wish i had an avenue of information like the internet provides when i was a young fisherman, the information ,tips,and reports would have been a very valuable tool with enhancing not only my experiences on the rivers but those of others,thanks Chris your journals are more than a pleasure to read,tight lines.
Our kids are the future of our sport,take them fishing,teach them well and the rewards will be many.


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2006, 01:43:27 PM »

Love your stories, Chris.
I admire the passion and dedication you have made to the sport and the environment. You have nothing to apologize for, that's for sure. I even don't mind the Maple Leafs. ;D I don't love them, but I don't mind them. ;D ;D
I have to admit, though, that reading your journal is a love/hate experience for me. I love and live your recounts, but I hate that it's you and not me having these experiences. It drives me crazy to read at work, day after day, all the fish you got into. I get out on the week-ends and all I get is "you should have been here yesterday".
I saw many of the garbage bags you have left around. It's great, because I can put collected garbage into these. Yesterday, I saw a guy go to his car, get a bag full of garbage and place it inside one of yours. Hey, I said to him, and who do you think is going to take your garbage? Take your garbage home! It was already in his car, in a bag. Why dispose of it into another one, on the shore?
I also saw that TV and I was going to take it out when I finished. On my way out, there it was, in the bed of your truck. Who would take a TV there for the sole purpose of destroying it on the beach? It is hard to understand the mentality sometimes.
Chris, we all get the experience through you. Keep the journals coming.
Never look a fish in the eye.


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2006, 04:44:27 PM »

Ditto to everything the others are saying about your journals. I look forward every night to read your adventures after a hard days work. Before reporting on FWR, I used to drop one or two reports on another web site but everytime I run into the locals on the river, they would give me "!@@!@##@$$#" for it. I stopped after that.

I am glad that this has become a more acceptable ways of communicating with our fellow fishermen/women.

Good Job Chris!!!!!


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2006, 05:34:50 PM »

Hi Chris, could you please send me the first pic in its original size ? It is too  beautiful, i want to set it as my desktop background. Thanks in advance. my email is :


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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2006, 07:35:00 PM »

Thanks for the journal Chris.  As a newbie to recreational fishing, it is people like yourself that I look to for fun, information, guidance and hopefully comradeship on the rivers and lakes.



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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2006, 07:47:07 PM »

Chris, your journals are most appreciated, as witnessed by the responses to your near tragic loss this week. Now, if you could just lose the Leaf thing... just kidding of course, I have alot in common with the Leafs, their hockey, my fishing ha ha ha !

chris gadsden

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Re: The Journal For Feb. 11 and 12th And Why I Write The Journal.
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2006, 08:42:45 PM »

Hi Chris, could you please send me the first pic in its original size ? It is too  beautiful, i want to set it as my desktop background. Thanks in advance. my email is :
Now sent, please confirm you get it ok.