Hey Sam,
I work in the downtown store there, was my day off though, glad you could stop by and check out the shop, sorry bout the mess.
Usually there will be at least one fishing specific staffmember on hand, more as the season picks up. We like to keep a low pressure, 'take your time' atmosphere, and we'll try to answer any questions to the best of our ability. It is true that the general staff don't really know anything about the fishing gear, but if you ask for one of the fishing staff, there will usually be someone on hand that 'has a clue'.
There are some big plans afoot for this season, along with the new layout will come an expanded gear selection, more fly fishing, line winder/bulk lines, and some secret A+N surprises.
Please feel free to stop by again and we'll talk some fishin'!
Look for me, I am the tall thin white dude with the flat-top.