Long Cast, your situation is obviously stressful and I do empathize. I do agree with Tex -- if your doc and WCB both don't want to deal with you then you need to change your approach. You also have to remember that WCB compensates you only for lost work time, not stress, not potential health issues. If you can still work, are not disabled, then basically you have no claim for WCB (not defending them, but just clarifying).
You may want to educate yourself more about abestos exposure, get on some forums, etc. You need a pretty large exposure over a long period of time for there to be any consequences. And there is no way to have immediate health effects from an exposure -- asbestos just does not work that way. As I said earlier, every human in the industrialized world has asbestos in their lungs -- it takes a lot to cause cancer 20 years from now.
Just trying to offer a different perspective for you.