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Author Topic: 2009/2010 Non-Tidal Angling Licence  (Read 30852 times)


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Re: 2009/2010 Non-Tidal Angling Licence
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2009, 09:03:23 AM »

I would also like to mention the article written by Mike Mitchell from BC outdoors magazine on page 4 of the Jan/Feb 2009 issue about the new Conservation Licences for White Sturgon--Here is another case of money being collected by the MOE that no one has any idea where the money is going to or what the money is being used for. It certainly makes a person wonder why no one is willing to state or show what happens to the money.Maybe just another cash grab for the powers to be! How could this be a good thing?


The money is to be used to collect the data from all the sturgeon tagging programs that are in place and put it into a readable format. Thi swas being done for free outside of MoE in the past. MoE wishes to have more control over it and this stamp will pay for doing so.

This is real good information-for sure-But it certainly makes a person wonder why the Editor of a mazagine such as B.C. Outdoors would not know that! This is a quote of the last sentence of his article""So my question is, why not come out and let us know where and how the money will be spent?""End of quote.---------Interesting to say the least!!   



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Re: 2009/2010 Non-Tidal Angling Licence
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2009, 07:32:07 PM »

I think lotsa folks are going to have trouble with this.  I belong to an angling club of old-timers and most don't own a computer and those that do are not very capable with them.

I just purchased my license for 09 and I got all the way through to where they had my money and then I couldn't print the actual license.  Some problem with my version of Adobe.  I managed a work around and got it printed but many won't be able to do that.


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Re: 2009/2010 Non-Tidal Angling Licence
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2009, 07:55:25 PM »

I bought mine last night no problems....They actually offer a free download of a recent Adobe which was easy.
True some will have to buy from the fishing stores but if you register online and take your number in it will be easier at the store.