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Author Topic: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?  (Read 35716 times)


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 04:01:52 PM »

I wonder  ??? whether the Green Party actually has a chance to get a few seats this year let alone a majority.  Otherwise it is a scary thought either way - Liberals or NDP.
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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 04:37:31 PM »

So long Gordo don't let the door hit your  my friend on the way out  8)

Sam Salmon

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 05:31:03 PM »

No time to watch the whole thing now but have it bookmarked-Thanks for posting.

chris gadsden

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 06:09:18 PM »

Thanks for posting this link, I was given a copy by Damien who filmed it but but I had not watched it until now.

Please send the link to others so the message gets out to your friends.

This and so many other things this government has done behind closed doors shows their true colors.

Change is in the air.

Sam Salmon

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 08:29:44 PM »

Took the time to watch it through and now I see-the whole export issue was one that was cloudy in the past but it's becoming clearer all the time.  >:(



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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2009, 02:58:25 PM »

Where do you propose to get your electricity from?

Sam Salmon

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 03:45:55 PM »

Where do you propose to get your electricity from?

Johnny-that's the question I asked in the past and it's a fair one.

But watching that video in it's entirety (and doing some internet searching) one learns that BC is a net exporter of electricity.

That's right we produce enough for our own needs and make money on what we sell.

Now the rub is that electricity can't be stored efficiently-once these dams go in where will the power go?

And we all know that it'll flow south-this is all about supplying hydro generated electricity to California not meeting our needs now or in the future.

Yes BC makes good money exporting hydro power-should we dam every last river cut down every last tree so we can have more and more and more and more money?

How much do we need anyway?

This is all about Gordon Campbell's most heartfelt desire-to sell everything he can to his yanqui pals.

So many people today have Money as their God and the BC Liberal party is one of them-everything is money everything that can be sold must be sold because Money Is God/Money Is Life.

Once everyone has enough Money-or Campbell's pals have enough Money they can laugh all the way to the bank over their bullsh*t slogan BC the Best Place on Earth. ::)

I have to stop typing now I'm going to go and throw up!

chris gadsden

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2009, 07:09:42 PM »

Good post SS. Thats the Liberals through and through. :(


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2009, 09:52:33 PM »

The main thing to note is the first pre-election poll has come out to show the NDP is trailing by only 6%... Please forward this to everyone you know, so they can see what is really going on in BC...

The liberals have to go, before too much damage is done. We can still stop this.

"Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in the commons brings ruin to all."

-Garrett Hardin

chris gadsden

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2009, 01:17:17 PM »

Today's Vancouver Sun

California rejects B.C.'s green power claims
State senate says run-of-river hydro projects here are too big to qualify under its renewable energy bill
By Scott Simpson, Vancouver SunApril 2, 2009
British Columbia's effort to promote its hydroelectric energy exports to California as green power is failing.

The California senate last week rejected calls by electrical utilities in the state to amend a renewable energy bill to incorporate power from sources such as run-of-river hydro from B.C. as part of their obligation to generate 33 per cent of retail electricity sales from renewable sources by 2020.

Pacific Gas & Electric, in particular, sees B.C. power as central to a $4-billion B.C.-to-California transmission system upgrade carrying an enormous quantity of supposedly green power -- equivalent to half of B.C.'s present generating capacity -- to the state by 2016.

PG&E's promotion of supposedly green B.C. power is a central aspect of the provincial government's plan to develop the province as a major exporter of renewable energy.

However, the presence of a willing buyer who can pay premium prices for green power is critical to B.C.'s initiative, particularly in the massive California electricity market.

Western Canada Wilderness Committee national campaign director Joe Foy said the California senators' decision confirms his group's misgivings about run-of-river power.

The wilderness committee is a vocal opponent of the large-scale drive to develop run-of-river power resources under the umbrella of BC Hydro's power acquisition mandate on the premise that it's causing unnecessary damage to streams and forested areas.

"Once again this so-called run of river, this river diversion power, has been been judged and been found not to be green," Foy said. "The environmental footprint is too big.

"They tried to wiggle it past the Californians and were unsuccessful. Californians had a closer look."

The senate opted for a regulation that disqualifies hydro projects producing more than 30 megawatts -- new B.C. projects are typically 50 megawatts or larger. The senate bill is now being reviewed by the California state assembly and a final decision could be months away.

The wilderness committee obtained a letter to the assembly from B.C. Environment Minister Barry Penner who is attempting to assure legislators that power from this province is subject to a thorough environmental review.

"The only reason we're buying it [in B.C.] is that we are being forced to buy it. I think the only one who sees it as green power is our own government," Foy said.

In an interview, Penner said he wrote the letter to counter allegations raised by environmental groups which are urging California legislators to hold firm to their existing standards.

Penner said California's decision to increase its use of renewable energy was "laudable."

He said he wrote the letter to detail, in four single-spaced pages, the extent of environmental scrutiny to which run-of-river projects are subject in B.C.

"There was what I believed to be a misinformation campaign, spilling over from the ideological debate here in B.C. about having the private sector involved in renewable energy," Penner said.

"I wanted to set the record straight. I had seen some e-mails about what people were saying about British Columbia and it was not true. I felt we needed to stand up for British Columbia."

Read Scott simpson's BLOG at


Sam Salmon

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2009, 02:39:19 PM »

I don't believe a word of it-the same people who drove that once mighty economy into the sh*tter are now saying they are green 'n clean. ::)

Money talks and when they need cheap power you know where they'll look......


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2009, 10:34:10 PM »

The B.C. Liberal party is making huge sums of money for the government through these "IPP's" and since they are all about Free market economy and private farnchise it will continue until they are given the boot...

if you follow the legislation and policy making from 2001 onward there is a deffinite trend...2002 B.C. hydro's new "vision", later on bill 30 to remove municipal powers in decision making...and if you take a close look at the budget the Federal conservatives snuck in there much wanted ammendments to the Navigable Waterways Protection Act...public resource's are being least it is limited to only 3 or 4 ne hydro contracts a year(to my knowledge, at least, was told this by a b.c. liberal friend)

fact is that down the chilliwack river valley there are applications to start hydro projects on slesse creek, tamahi crek, pierce creek, borden creek, post creek and more. from what i have heard the hydro station proposal for post is almost located on top of lindeman lake. i know, personally, that the coho go about a mile up post creek and then stop. but the rerouting of water might change this.

run of the river, in my humble and worthless opinion, is not a terrible concept, just in the right area's and in the right hands. why do these stations have to be privatly run? B.C. Hydro was pidgeonholed into this since 2002, can't we reverse this?? B.C. had, in 2001 the third lowest Hydro cost in Canada...rates had not gone up since 1993...we were making tons of money from Alberta and elsewhere. B.C. Hydro was working. just recently it was announced that there will be a 14% increase on power charges. my fear is in resting control of our waters to private companies and corporations.

Whatever comes of the tendencies of our political parties we will not know until it comes to pass. my fear is that with cases of canadian companies flip the developments over to american ownership after having been awarded the projects we bring NAFTA into the question, especially chapter 11. i also presume we will have to wait and see what the new definition of "Navigable waterways" is as of the new ammendments, and whether the vedder river and others like it will be taken off the protected list, hence up for private enterprise...


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2009, 10:41:52 PM »

also..i just personally hope everyone knows the difference between the B.C. Liberals and the Federal much different parties to be sure...

P.S. the ads are already pretty spiteful and hilarious, aren't they Vote Smart B.C. sign?? And those "Gordon Campbell want to kill your grandma" ads were immature but yet priceless. can't wait to see what they bring out for the actual election...



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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2009, 07:43:35 AM »

Demand for electricity is going to go up not down.  All those "green" electric vehicles need to get their juice from somewhere.  Whether we are an importer or exporter now is somewhat irrelevant.  We will need more power if we are going to use less oil for vehicles.  And every bit that we export reduces the American's reliance on coal and natural gas fired power.  How would a large coal fired plant look just across the border?  How about a large nuclear site?  Hydro power may not be perfect, but in my opinion, its better than a lot of the alternatives.