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Author Topic: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?  (Read 35719 times)

chris gadsden

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2009, 04:43:44 PM »

Received this today.

I am a free enterpriser, a federal Conservative with deep roots in the Reform movement.

I cannot support Gordon Campbell’s Liberals in this provincial election because of their complete indifference to quality of life issues here in South Delta.
• The industrialization of irreplaceable farmland to serve the interests of Port Metro Vancouver.
• The construction of “industrial strength” power lines through Tsawwassen after an election commitment not to do so.
• The promotion of rail and road infrastructure for the Gateway program that gives no consideration to quality of life issues across the Lower Mainland but particularly in Delta, Surrey and Langley.
From a provincial perspective I cannot support Gordon Campbell because he is giving away and putting at risk the public assets of the province for which he is only the present custodian.
• Run of the River Hydro projects which will destroy the remaining wilderness areas in British Columbia and commits us to higher than market prices for the power generated.

• Campbell’s unequivocal support of net cage aquaculture has put at risk precious runs of wild salmon.

• The Recognition and Reconciliation legislation proposed by Mr. Campbell will give about 30 yet-to-be created native groups aboriginal title to over 95 percent of the province. These groups will have veto power over development and will receive the lion’s share of revenue that flows from what’s now Crown land, money that currently goes to the provincial treasury.

• The giveaway of the UBC golf course and other valuable properties to buy peace with native-agitators during the Olympics.

• Campbell’s sale of BC Rail at a discounted price to CN after adamantly denying during an election campaign that he would sell it.
The Gordon Campbell government has not been the prudent manager of the province’s fiscal affairs that his supporters would have us believe.

His ill-considered carbon tax will mean higher fuel costs for all drivers with commuters and residents of the interior and northern parts of the province taking the biggest hit. It is estimated that a long-haul trucker in B.C. will pay $6,000 a year in carbon taxes by 2012. Home heating costs will also increase with the biggest impact on the residents of the north and interior of the Province.

Cost overruns on the Trade and Convention Centre and Campbell’s disregard for the economic upset experienced by the Cambie Street merchants during the RAV line construction paint a picture of a detached Premier who cares little for how he gets there just as long as he gets there.
The Gordon Campbell Liberals would have us believe that only they are capable of governing British Columbia and managing its economy. That no longer works for me. A vote for the B.C. Liberals means they can continue to disregard our legitimate concerns with impunity.