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Author Topic: Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area  (Read 19843 times)


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Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area
« on: May 27, 2004, 12:22:11 AM »

Hi all,

I'm planning a camping trip with my family next weekend (June 4-6) at the Katherine Lake Campground near the Garden Bay lake on the Sunshine Coast.  Would like to do some fishing with my boy but not sure what I need to buy.  I hope to fish Katherine Lake and Garden Bay Lake (with an inflatable boat).  Also hope to rent a real boat to go out on the Pender Harbour for rock fishing or crabbing.  Or salmon?

I have all the standard fishing gear, including even a fly rod.  But I'd like the standard fishing as the flies are expensive and I don't know which type to buy.  What kind of lure or spinner or bait do I need to bring?  Also some basic fishing technique for both the lakes and the harbour would be helpful.  



Sam Salmon

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Re:Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2004, 10:45:12 AM »

Garden Bay Lake is a funny place-hot as a firecracker for a while then it shuts right down-the best months are April/May.
Early and late in the day are best-right before dark best of all.
Small spoons/spinners cast toward shore work well-I haven't found any one spot to be better than any other.

Be Very Careful about bottomfishing around Pender Harbour-much of the area is closed to bottomfishing altogether.
Years and tears of people killing any tiny thing at all mean there's very very little left-the bottom has literally been picked clean. for details.

EDIT-When you consider how much it will cost you to rent a boat and what you're allowed to keep you're probably better off just going for a short ride to look @ the scenery.
Or maybe rent a Kayak or Canoe somewhere in the Harbour-I've done that and it really was fun.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 11:16:21 AM by Sam Salmon »


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Re:Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2004, 07:54:22 PM »

Thanks Sam for the tip.  I will just stick to lake fishing then.  Vacationing with family, you can't spend too much time fishing anyway.  I may still rent a boat, weather permitting, just to tour around those little islands and watch the eagles.  Boat rental is pretty cheap there, about $14 / hour for a 14 footer.

Would that be cutties that I target for in these lakes?  Should I also bring some worms and roe?



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Re:Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2004, 08:09:27 PM »

i was there the may long weekend and i tryed to fish the ocean with no luck :'( lots of ppl fishing and crabbing...... in the lake a worm and float is an easy way to catch fish with sucess..spinners stuff like that... :D


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Re:Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2004, 10:59:59 PM »

I was talking to a reliable fish guy last weekend and he said there were some nice salmon coming out of the Pender Harbour area. Don't know about know though.


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Re:Fishing Pender Harbour & Garden Bay area
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2004, 09:37:49 PM »

Freshwater lakes: Trout, Hotel, Mixal, Ruby, Paq (Lillies). A good day is 5-10 fish-but there are some big cutties in these lakes....if you hit it right it can be great fun. Try the standard flies (bead head leaches, mayfly nymphs, etc) with a bit of flash. I have not found chronie fishing that productive-it seems these cutties like the fly with a bit of flash and action. Never tried worms, but they probably would work as well.