Berrys Bait and Tackle
Sportfishing Institute of BC
DNE Fishing Tackle

Let’s get dirty on Saturday!

Published on April 3rd, 2008 by Rodney


The 21st Chilliwack River Cleanup will be happening on this Saturday, April 5th! What started out as a very localized effort by a small group of individuals in 2002 has grown to a rather large and successful program six years later.

The cleanups, which are hosted three times per year, are now attended by over 200 enthusiastic volunteers who are determined to keep our watershed clean. These volunteers come from all backgrounds, including anglers, hikers, kayakers, and local residents. Scouts, girl guides and school groups also have a big presence at these cleanups.

These cleanups are especially beneficial to anglers for several reasons. They obviously keep the Chilliwack River cleaner, making it a more enjoyable environment for fishing. Reduction of garbage problems also ensure that public access to the river is not restricted, something that British Columbian anglers tend to take for granted. It is crucial that anglers do our part, by taking more garbage out more than what we bring in. By demonstrating that we can be stewards of our rivers rather than just consumers, you and I can make sure our enjoyable fishing days on the Chilliwack River will not be lost.

If you are interested in coming to this Saturday’s cleanup, please dress wisely as some rain is expected. Waders are not necessary since all cleanups are done on dry banks but a pair of boots would come in handy. Garbage bags, plastic gloves are provided, but you may want to bring a pair of working/gardening gloves as well. There will be donuts, hot coffee and cold juice for all volunteers, courtesy of Tim Hortons.

Registration is at 8:30am – 9:30am at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve. During this time, directors will assign you into groups that will focus on a particular section of the river. The cleanup will wrap up by noon.

The river condition is perfect for this event as it is currently at its lowest. This allows volunteers to access more dry banks than usual to make sure they are litter-free. In a few weeks from now, freshet will begin so it is crucial that we remove all garbage otherwise they will be washed away into the ocean during that time. Don’t forget to bring your fishing rod either, because the winter steelhead season is not over yet!

For more information, please go to this page. For more information on the Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Coalition, please visit their website.

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