We no longer provide catchable rainbow trout stocking updates. For these updates, please go to gofishbc.com.
All stocked fish in this database are Fraser Valley 3N (triploid) rainbow trout at catchable size (200 - 400g). Updated data are provided by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC between March and October. You must have a valid BC freshwater fishing licence while fishing at these lakes. Please visit this website for more information!
Suggested Readings
BC Freshwater Fishing Guide
This guide is a vidoe tutorial series for new anglers who are unfamiliar with BC's stocked lake fisheries.
Bait Fishing for Stocked Rainbow Trout
The most basic method used when fishing for stocked rainbow trout is bait fishing.
Lure Fishing for Stocked Rainbow Trout
Lure fishing is another effective fishing method in urban lakes. It is preferred by anglers who want to be active.
It's Trout Season in Vancouver!
Rainbow trout fishing in the Lower Mainland can be excellent between March and June.
Select a Region of Interest
Please select a region to see the database. In the database, you will find the dates when trout are released, the lakes where they are released, the number of fish that are released and the average size of released fish.
Helpful Links
The following websites can be very helpful if you are looking for more information on urban trout fisheries in British Columbia.
Catchable Rainbow Trout?

The Fraser Valley 3N rainbow trout are raised at several trout hatcheries in British Columbia. They are released when they reach "catchable sizes", which range between 12 and 14 inches or 200 and 400 grams. They are fantastic gamefish for kids and entry-level anglers who want to get into fishing.