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Archive for April, 2010

Crazy weather, urban fishing fun

Published on Saturday, April 10th, 2010

So what’s with the weather? We celebrated an early arrival of spring back in February and suddenly it is back to December again. Lakes around the Lower Mainland have been stocked since last week (see stocking database) so this morning when we saw sunshine, we decided to drop whatever work we had and headed to Como Lake for some easy fishing.

Easy fishing it was not to be, because as soon as we left Richmond, we found clouds all around us. We forgot that the sun shines in Richmond, it is most likely raining in the rest of BC. We arrived, sat down on the floating dock, and flurries greeted us! The light westerly breeze did not help either.

Once most of the clouds moved on, it was slightly more pleasant to fish. I managed to catch and release one, while Nina missed several good tugs. So much for foolish urban stocked rainbow trout, but that is good because the fishing wouldn’t be as exciting if it is not challenging.

Environment Canada has forecasted a few days of sunshine, so lets see how accurate that is. If the sun indeed shows itself, be sure to take advantage of all the catchable rainbow trout stockings that are happening in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley this month.

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