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2013 Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby Results

Published on June 16th, 2013 by Chris

Ethan Zue took first place in junior class of 2013's Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby

Well, another pikeminnow derby at Cultus Lake is in the books. After two out of the last three derbies being very wet, 711 anglers and organizers on Saturday were greeted by a calm sunny day for a change.

After running the derby in the last few years, the Fraser Valley Salmon Society turned the derby over to be run by Cultus Lake Aquatic Stewardship Strategy (CLASS) however many FVSS directors and members were there running the weigh scales, helping with the prizes and draws.

Many anglers were on the water at first light and some fished tight up to the 2 pm deadline with all the docks crowded with anglers. Before the award presentations, 560 fish were brought to the scales. Junior anglers caught 196 and adults caught 364 pikeminnows. One angler was lucky to catch a FVSS specially tagged fish and took home $100 cash prize. There also was 3 FOC tagged fish taken.

In the junior class, Ethan Zue took home the Greg Clarke Memorial Trophy along with $100 cash plus prizes. His fish hit the scales at 0.78Kg and was 0.09 ahead of Kassidy Nienhuis’ 0.69kg pikeminnow.

Cole Rogozinski topped the adult division with a 0.76kg entry just edging out Rick Devries’ 0.75kg fish. Winners both won prizes along with cash for their winning entries.

The father-son combination of Peter and Tyler Buck defended their most pikeminnow title again this year with son Tyler edging out his dad by a 52 to 48 count. They won $200 and $150 along with prizes.

In the junior division Karena Williams took top spot with 25 fish followed by Owen Nelson with 22. They also won cash and prizes.

All four categories also saw third and fourth positions entries winning money and prizes.

The smallest fish was taken by Lindsay Alsop measuring only 83mm.

Thanks to all local merchants that donated the many prizes and made this a fun and successful event.

More photographs can be found on Fraser Valley Salmon Society’s Facebook page.

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