British Columbia Fishing Blog

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Welcome to our fishing blog, which takes you along on our fishing trips around British Columbia. This is also where we provide you updates on changes to our website and other related projects.

Action Packed at the Fraser River Mouth

Published on September 11th, 2014 by Rodney

After following all the reports in the past few weeks, we finally had a chance to head out to the Fraser River mouth with Bon Chovy Fishing Charters this week for the big sockeye salmon run. We departed Granville Island at 10:00am to catch the tide change around Noon. Once we got to the spot, the timing was bang on. The first fish came within five minutes after the first two rods were dropped. It was a chinook salmon, which we gladly retained. The second fish came after another five minutes, which was a small sockeye salmon. For the next hour or so, the bites were pretty consistent and at one point we had a double header and a triple header.

After the tide change, the bites slowed down a bit so we moved to a new spot where the commercial trollers were working hard. We were still hooking fish near the end but the landing part was not as good. After losing five in a row, we finally boated two more to reach our limit. We were back at the dock by 4:00pm. Thanks to Jason for another fantastic trip. This fishery should remain open for another 1.5 week, so if you want to give it a go, give them a call at 604-763-5460.

Fraser River Chinook Salmon

Double Header

Nice Fraser River Sockeye Salmon

Chaos at the Office

Another Fraser River Sockeye Salmon

A Productive Vancouver Salmon Fishing Trip

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Fraser River Salmon Regulation Changes for September

Published on August 30th, 2014 by Rodney

Fraser River Coho Salmon

While the Fraser River remains open for sockeye salmon fishing, anglers should note that a couple of management measures will come in effect in the upcoming weeks. These regulation changes are put in place to protect the vulnerable interior coho salmon runs. The changes are:

  • Bait ban
  • No fishing for coho salmon (including both wild and hatchery-marked coho salmon)

These regulations are in effects for the following sections:

If you are fishing for sockeye salmon in September, please be sure to identify your fish correctly before bringing it on land instead of dragging it up. You can accomplish this easily by using a landing net with soft mesh. Unlike a spotless sockeye salmon, a coho salmon has small spots across the dorsal section of its body as well as the top section of its tail.

You should also note that steelhead travelling through the Fraser River also are required to be released. These large steelhead, which are also heading up to the interior tributaries of the Fraser River, can often be misidentified as a chinook salmon so be sure to look twice. Every single endangered steelhead and coho salmon counts, so lets ensure this fishery is sustainable by minimizing mortality in by-catches.

The end of the sockeye salmon fishing opening has not been announced, but we will make sure the fishery notice is posted on our website and Facebook page when it is announced.

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First Sturgeon for the Girls

Published on August 28th, 2014 by Rodney

We went out with Lang’s Fishing Adventures this week to do a bit of sturgeon fishing in the Tidal Fraser River between Maple Ridge and Mission. The goal was to get the girls into some fish since they have never caught one before.

The start was a bit slow and it took awhile to find some fish. Once Lang got it dialed in, we were into one bite after another. Second and third rods were going off while fish were being released. The first fish was a warm-up, only around 2 feet long. Second and third fish were 4 and 4.5 feet. After that, we landed a bunch of 3 and 4 footers which were quickly unhooked in the water to save time, before we ended the perfect day with a magnificent 6.5 footer.

Sturgeon fishing in the Fraser River is prime now due to the abundance of food (sockeye salmon). This is an excellent fishery for all ages and genders so if you have family members who have never tried it before, then you definitely want to considering booking a trip between now and October.

Fish On!

Battling Her First Sturgeon

Sturgeon Jump!

Almost Landed

Mission Accomplished!

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Skagit River, Underwater Photography

Published on August 25th, 2014 by Rodney

The Skagit River is a popular playground for river trout fishermen in July and August. From Vancouver, it takes around two and a half hours to reach so day trips are possible for those who don’t mind the long days. It produces bull trout and rainbow trout, which are not hard to entice even in clear water condition. This presents plenty of opportunities for the photographers. During our recent trips, I invested more time on capturing our fish underwater before they swam away. Here are some of my favourites so far.

Skagit River Bull Trout

Skagit River Bull Trout

Skagit River Bull Trout

Skagit River Rainbow Trout

After each fishing trip, I usually have hundreds of photographs to go through and only the few best ones make it on here. This particular photograph sat on my desktop for a week now while I tried to decide whether it should be shown or not because the bloody eye kind of ruins it.

Skagit River Rainbow Trout

In the end I wanted to show this photograph for a couple of reasons. It’s one of the better underwater shots I have taken so far this year. Secondly, it raises an important topic on lure hook size and fish mortality, an issue which we like to conveniently ignore more often than not. The size of the hook you choose to use on your lure can determine the outcome of your catch. If the hook is too large, a small fish can be injured when caught, sometimes fatally.

In this case, a small rainbow trout grabbed a spoon intended for the larger bull trout, which had a size 1 hook on it. The larger gap of the hook ended up injuring the right eye of the fish. It’s difficult to determine the survival of this fish despite of the fact that it swam away quickly. In hindsight, to avoid this, a smaller hook like a size 2 or 4 could have been used which we do from time to time. If you are targeting big fish in streams where small fish might be caught, definitely take that into consideration. I know we will remind ourselves this more often in the future to reduce catch and release mortality.

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Fraser River Sockeye Opening, What You Should Know

Published on August 6th, 2014 by Rodney

Fraser River Sockeye Salmon

Whether you are into fishing or not, by now you most likely have heard about the anticipated large Fraser River sockeye salmon return this year. Fish returning this year are offsprings of the exceptionally large run in 2010, so it should not be a surprise to see another high return in the same cycle.

The current estimated range of this year’s return is 7.5 million to 75 million fish. 7.5 million fish being the most likely number, while 75 million fish is least likely achieved. Most reports prefer the 75 million number, but realistically the more accurate predicted return size is between 20 and 30 million fish. The large range of estimates is the result of uncertainties caused by the much larger return in 2010.

Recreational sockeye salmon fishing in the non-tidal portion of the Fraser River in Region Two begins on August 6th. Most consider this as a harvest fishery, as the fish rarely bite due to poor water visibility so they are mostly flossed (accidentally hooked in the mouth) and retained. It is a popular fishery, and on a good return year like this all participants can enjoy taking home some fresh sockeye salmon. Here are some important notes which I think you should be aware of before trying this fishery out.

Before heading out to catch your sockeye salmon, the very first thing you should be doing is to buy a freshwater fishing licence and salmon conservation surcharge, which allows you to retain your catches. You can do so by going to The money you spend gives you access to all freshwater fisheries in British Columbia and it is also good investments for the recreational fishing community. Funds from the licences are allocated to the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation. Both organizations are responsible for the development of BC’s freshwater recreational fisheries and conservation projects.

If the return becomes as large as predicted, then it is possible that the daily quota will be raised from the current 2 fish per day to 4 fish per day. Earlier this year, members of the Sport Fishing Advisory Committee in the Fraser Valley have made this recommendation to Fisheries and Oceans Canada. By raising the limit to 4 fish per day, it allows participants to quickly catch their limit and leave, so other participants can also have a chance to fish. Secondly, when the daily quota is kept at two, participants are likely to continue fishing after retaining the limit for a chance to retain a chinook salmon. In the process, too many sockeye salmon are often caught and released, which only does more harm than good. By raising the limit to four sockeye salmon per day, hopefully it can eliminate this behaviour. If the daily quota is changed during the season, we will have it published on the website or Facebook page so be sure to check back often before each trip.

If you decide to partake in this fishery, you should know that there are other species migrating among these sockeye salmon. Wild coho salmon and steelhead, are encountered sometimes and they need to be released with extreme care. Too often fish are dragged onto the beach immediately prior to being identified. In some cases, fish are not identified correctly and protected species are killed. Wild coho salmon and steelhead travelling in the Fraser River often come from endangered stocks, so it is up to every participant to ensure the survival of these fish. To do so, you should carry a landing net so the fish can be scooped and kept in the water prior to being identified. Know your fish species so you can identify each fish correctly. When a fish cannot be identified, please release it.

The Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery can be a family friendly, but whenever fishing pressure is high, an unpleasant environment can develop quickly. In the past, conflicts among recreational fishery participants and with First Nation fishers have occurred. In 2009, a serious incident between a band chief and two recreational participants resulted in the creation of the Fraser River Fisheries Peacemakers. This group is made of key representatives from the recreational fishing communities and First Nations in the Fraser Valley. Together, the group has developed many excellent initiatives in the past four years. One of these accomplishments is the document Fishing Together on the Fraser, which is designed for those who are trying out the Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery for the first time. One important resource available in this document is the fishing map produced by the Fraser Basin Council, which shows various fishing spots, First Nations’ land, boat launches, and other important landmarks. You can download these resources at the following links.

While there is a lot of attention on the good fishing, too often water safety is neglected. Quite often we see participants standing in waist deep water and forgetting how turbulent and dirty the Fraser River is during this time of the year. One slip can sweep you away and help is not always nearby. Personal floatation devices are inexpensive and can keep you alive if you are swept away. Better yet, you can avoid getting into these situations by not wading too far out. Observe the current in the river prior to walking in the water.

The high abundance of returning sockeye salmon is not the only good news. This large biomass will have both direct and indirect effects on other inhabitants in the Fraser River watersheds and other fisheries. Rainbow trout and bull trout which reside in large lakes such as Shuswap Lake, will be able to enjoy feasting on the abundance of eggs being deposited by these sockeye salmon. By this fall, these trout and char can be anywhere from 1lb to 8lb and actually provide an excellent catch and release fishery for anglers. Because there isn’t a lack of food, these will be some of the strongest trout and char you can encounter. Bears and other predatory mammals also benefit from the return. The feeding process also brings well needed nutrients to the forests when these animals drag their catches into them. The feasting continues next spring when juvenile sockeye salmon hatch from these eggs. Overall, a salmon return at this magnitude is not only welcoming news for the all fishery sectors, but more importantly it revives all the ecosystems connected to the Fraser River.

Finally, if you are lucky enough to catch a couple of sockeye salmon for dinner, be sure to dispatch and bleed the fish immediately. The fish should also be placed in a cooler full of ice. Any fish being kept in the river will lose its freshness fast, as the water temperature is quite high in the shallow parts of the river right now. Have fun, be safe and please share your experiences of this fishery on our website.

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