Happy April Fools Day! :)

While this was meant to be a joke and no such pilot project exists, fishing garbage is indeed no joking matter. As anglers, we should be more aware of our impact on the resource that we enjoy so much and shouldn't take it for granted. We should do our best to avoid losing terminal tackle so waterfowls, birds of prey, beavers, and other animals do not accidentally get caught up in fishing lines, hooks or ingest lead weights, baited hooks.

Please click here to take a look at this barred owl which was rescued from Alouette River. It was found tangled in fishing lines and a variety of terminal tackle in the tree

Photo by O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society

O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society is currently looking to relocate to a new property and it needs your donation. For more information, please read this page.