Fishing in BC: Getting Started
By Rodney Hsu, Fishing with Rod

Welcome to Fishing with Rod! This website is designed to assist anglers who are interested in recreational fishing in British Columbia. If you have never tried fishing in British Columbia, the following articles in this introductory section can help you to get started.
Fishing Licences
Before going fishing in British Columbia, you need to purchase a valid recreational fishing licence and other conservation surcharges apply to the fishery. Read article...
Sportfishing in British Columbia
This overview of sportfishing in British Columbia summarizes what types of fish you can catch in this province, as well as when and where you can catch them. Read article...
Catch and Release
Catch and release has become a common practice in many BC recreational fisheries. Learn how it should be done to make sure the released fish will survive. Read article...
Fishing Regulations
Fishing regulations are designed to ensure that our fishery resources are sustainable. Anglers must know where and when they can fish, and what types of fish they can keep. Read article...
General Etiquettes
Like other activities, recreational fishing also has general etiquettes which everyone follows. Some are straight forward while others are unfamilar to new anglers. Read article...
Handle Your Catches Properly
Do you know what to do with the fish you decide to keep? This article explains what you should do to preserve the freshness of your catches during your fishing trips. Read article...
The following articles are overviews of specific fisheries that are available in British Columbia.
Freshwater Salmon Fishing
Pacific salmon can be caught in rivers in summer and fall when they return to spawn. Find out the techniques you need to use so you can be successful in river salmon fishing. Read article...
Saltwater Salmon Fishing
Pacific salmon can be caught in the ocean when they feed and stage before returning their natal streams. Find out where and when you can catch them! Read article...
White Sturgeon Fishing
White sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish species in the world and you can catch one from the Mighty Fraser River! Read article...
Steelhead Fishing
Steelhead are highly prized by river anglers in British Columbia. Find out where, when and how you can catch one of these magnificent specimen. Read article...
Trout Fishing in Rivers
British Columbia's river trout fisheries are widely available, target species range from coastal anadromous salmon fry hunters to interior insect feeders. Coming soon!
Trout Fishing in Lakes
British Columbia's trout fishing in lakes can be considered as world class fisheries. Anglers have hundreds of lakes to choose from. Read article...