British Columbia Fishing Blog

Fishing Trip Stories, Video Blog, Website Updates...

Archive for the ‘Video blog’ Category

Pacific Angler’s Ten Year Anniversary!

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

Pacific Angler is turning ten and they are celebrating it by having a big sale on April 1st and 2nd!

March 2017 Updates

Published on Monday, March 20th, 2017

We’re taking a brief break for the rest of this month! A couple of filming projects in February didn’t pan out as expected due to the challenging weather we had.

On March 11th we hosted the second annual Chilliwack’s All About Fishing. 1,600 people participated!


February 2017 Updates!

Published on Monday, February 13th, 2017

Here is an update on what we have been up to so far in 2017 and what our plans are in the next couple of months! We now have a PO Box:

PO Box 1018 Vedder Crossing PO Chilliwack BC V2R3M0 Canada

Trailer: High Hopes in Low River

Published on Monday, January 23rd, 2017

We’ll be releasing our second episode of the year on Thursday January 26th. “High Hopes in Low River” features a recent trip we did with Murphy Sportfishing on the Upper Stamp River, targeting the elusive winter steelheading in some challenging conditions. Stay tuned!


Videos: Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC Public Information Sessions

Published on Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Back in March and April 2016, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC (GoFishBC) hosted a series of public information sessions so you can find out more about what FFSBC is doing to maintain and improve recreational freshwater fisheries in this province. During the sessions, VP of Science from FFSBC made two presentations and they can now be viewed here if you missed the sessions. The first video is an overview on who FFSBC is and what they do. The second video is about developing new freshwater fishing licencing products.

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