When I started Fishing with Rod back in 2001, I wanted to make sure that some of my energy and time were devoted to positive contribution to this community. We accomplished that between 2003 and 2012 by hosting Fish for the Future in Steveston. That ended after ten years due to other family commitments and the different direction which Richmond is taking as development of the city accelerated.
This year, we will ignite that flame again by reviving an event which used to take place in Chilliwack. Fraser Valley Salmon Society hosted “All About Fishing” back in the early 2000’s but lack of volunteers ended the event after a few years. With the sponsorship from Tourism Chilliwack, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and Family Fishing Society of BC, I am putting on this event for FVSS again.
Chilliwack’s All About Fishing will happen on March 12th, on the first day of school’s spring break, at the Chilliwack Heritage Park from 9:00am to 5:00pm. We are inviting all of you, new and experienced anglers, young and old, parents and kids, to learn everything about fishing in the Fraser Valley, network with others who share the hobby as you and pass that knowledge to the younger generations. It is a free event! I’ve invited all the experts in the industry so they can share their tips on catching steelhead, salmon, trout and other species.
For more information, please check out the event website and make sure you head to the Facebook event page as well. I look forward to see all of you on March 12th!