Squamish River Cleanup
Posted on March 27th 2012, by Rodney Hsu, webmaster

Local Vancouver anglers Matt Joyce and Gill Steele will once again be hosting a Squamish River cleanup on April 22nd. Last year's cleanup was attended by volunteers including Steelhead Society of BC members and directors, members of the community, anglers, kayakers, and university students. An estimated 2 tonnes of garbage were removed from the Squamish watershed area including, Cheakamus, Mamquam and Squamish Rivers.
Read more about 2011's Squamish River cleanup
On April 22nd, you are invited to be part of this year's cleanup. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to Matt and Gill at squamishcleanup@gmail.com and provide them the following information. Matt and Gill will contact you regarding the meeting time and location of the cleanup.
- The number of people you will be bringing with you
- An estimate of vehicle's capacity for carrying garbage to the landfill
- Your cell phone number