First 2012 Chilliwack River Cleanup
Posted on April 1st 2012, by Rodney Hsu, webmaster

Now that the winter steelhead fishery on the Chilliwack River is slowly winding down, it is time to reward it after this excellent season! Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society will be hosting its first 2012 cleanup on Saturday April 14th.
The meeting place will once again be at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve at the end of Sumas Prairie Road. Sign-up starts at 8:30am and volunteers till be assigned a section of the river to pick up garbage. The whole event will finish by Noon so you will have the afternoon to enjoy more steelhead fishing.
Tim Hortons will be supplying coffee, donuts, muffins once again and we'll make sure there'll be juice etc for kids as well. Please bring appropriate clothings (waders, waterproof gear) as the weather can be quite unpredictable during this time of the year. Garbage bags, pick-up tools, latex gloves will be available for you as well. It is a good idea to bring a pair of working/garden gloves for yourself.
This cleanup is really important as we need to get all the garbage off the river bank before freshet begins, which will wash anything into the Fraser and eventually the ocean. This is also a fantastic opportunity for you to meet other anglers who frequently fish the Chilliwack River.