2012 Salmon Release at Eagle Creek
Posted on April 12th 2012, by Rodney Hsu, webmaster

Eagle Creek Streamkeepers in Partnership with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Kinder Morgan, Salvation Army, and Croatian Fish and Game Club would like to invite you to join them in releasing 50,000 chum salmon fry into Eagle creek in Burnaby on Saturday April 14th, 2012. The event takes place at Charles Rummel Park in Burnaby (Government Road and Lozells Avenue).
From 10:00am to 2:00pm, parents can bring their children to the park and releasing juvenile salmon into the creek. Please come to do your part and enjoy the activities. Beside salmon release, other event activities include storm drain marking, creek cleanup, interacting with enviroscape, washable tattoo painting and other educational activities.
Releasing the chum salmon fry into Eagle Creek is an important building block to restore the fish stocks that have been lost due to urban development.
Eagle Creek Streamkeepers is a group of volunteers whose objective is to restore the fish and wildlife in the Eagle Creek watershed to its natural state. New volunteers are welcome, please phone Nick at 604-420-5651, Frank at 604-298-5617 or Janice at 604-420-0038 if interested.