2013 Chilliwack River Steelhead Broodstock Capture Program
Posted on January 15th 2013, by Fraser Valley Salmon Society

This year's Chilliwack/Vedder River steelhead broodstock capture program began on January 15th and day one ended successfully with seven fish being collected. This seasonal program is operated by both the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and Chilliwack River Hatchery.
The hatchery aims to collect between 35 to 40 pairs of wild adult steelhead. These fish are held at the hatchery until they are ready to be spawned. Their offsprings will one day return as hatchery-marked steelhead which anglers can enjoy catching and retaining.
See more photographs from day one's broodstock capturing
In the next couple of months, volunteer broodstock anglers can be seen working along the Chilliwack River with a large rubber tube on their back. These tubes are used to keep collected fish alive before being transported to the hatchery.
The Chilliwack/Vedder River is just one of many systems in the Fraser Valley where steelhead broodstock capturing takes place.
For more information, please contact the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery at (604) 504-4709.