Fly Fishing Film Tour in Kelowna
Posted on March 12th 2013, by Okanagan Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada

The Okanagan Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada, is excited to bring you, the F3T ( Fly Fishing Film Festival) to Kelowna on Saturday March 16th.
"This is our 4th annual film tour fundraiser for TU Okanagan and once again The Black Box Theatre will be the venue for this year's best fly fishing films!", says Nick Pace, co-owner of Trout Waters Fly and Tackle one of the tour's sponsors and TU Okanagan Board Member.
"As always all proceeds benefit TU and there will be tons of door prizes", adds Pace.
This year the F3T will be seen in over 150 locations across the United States and Canada, playing to over 40 000 people during its year long run.
The F3T is the stage for the industry's top filmmakers and this year a local filmmaker is front and center on the F3T.
"Thai One On" is from Kelowna's very own Travis Lowe, President of TU Okanagan and the guy who started Kelowna's first fly fishing film tour in his living room 5 years ago.
Lowe says bringing in the F3T will have huge benefits to the evening's attendees.
"In past years I have organized the films myself, asking fellow filmmakers to donate performance rights for the evening.
As a result, we have had to watch full length feature films at times, which doesn't always make for great viewing."
This year, viewers will see a selection of great shorter films instead of three or four longer ones.
As well this year's films will be shown in HD and TU Okanagan has brought in a new beer sponsor Big Rock Brewery.
Adventure is a focal point of the films featured in this year's tour. "We approach this year with the attitude that "adventure is what you make it".
Sometimes the greatest adventures can be found in your own backyard or an urban corridor" says F3T co-owner Chris Keig.
"So that's why in addition to our usual assortment of fascinating destinations like Thailand, Bolivia and Georgia ( the country), we've also got great segments from Washington, D.C. the Midwest, the Pacific Northwest and the Rocky Mountains."
Another central theme to this year's F3T is diversity. "The number of different species we've got this year is too long to list Keig continues.
"From Steelhead to Snakehead, Bonefish to Bass, Trout to Triggerfish, it's an awesome assortment of fish."
Tickets are available at Trout Waters Fly and Tackle, $15 in advance and $20 at the door. The Black Box Theatre only holds 125 people so get your tickets now.