Spring River Clean-ups in Chilliwack
Posted on April 13th 2013, by Rodney Hsu

Last weekend, Fraser Valley Salmon Society's director Nick Basok sent us photographs he took just downstream from the Aggasiz Bridge in Chilliwack, which showed garbage being dumped along the river bank. As the Fraser River rises in the next few weeks due to freshet, these will be washed away if not cleaned up. Luckily, the Cheam First Nation has also been made aware of the problem and taken the time to clean it up. Illegal dumpings like this are unfortunately quite common in the Fraser Valley, and all communities are working hard to combat it.
Two river clean-ups will be hosted in Chilliwack on Saturday April 20th. One will be on the Chilliwack River and the other will be on the Fraser River. These two clean-ups are especially important because freshet is either on its way or already underway. Freshet is the increase of river discharge due to snow melt in spring. This rises the river level significantly and washes all debris on the river bank away. If garbage are not removed, then they will most likely be washed into the Pacific Ocean.
The Chilliwack River clean-up is once again hosted by the Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society. Participants will meet and register at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve between 8:30am and 9:30am. Groups will be assigned to different sections of the river from the Vedder canal to the Chilliwack River Hatchery. The clean-up will end by Noon. Tim Hortons will once again be providing donuts and refreshment at registration. Garbage bags, latex gloves and pick-up tools will also be provided. Please bring appropriate clothings, garbage gloves if preferred, waders and gumboots as the river bank can be wet and muddy. RSVP on Facebook.
The Fraser River clean-up will take place at Gill Bar. This is an annual event hosted by the Fraser Riverkeeper. Participants will meet at the end of Gill Road in Chilliwack at 10:00am on April 20th. The clean-up will be two hours long, followed by a free BBQ for all volunteers. For more information, please visit this page.
If you enjoy fishing either the Chilliwack or the Fraser River, please consider spending a few hours on April 20th to be at one of these clean-ups. Your support is important to these two watersheds. There is also a clean-up taking place on the Squamish River on April 21st.