Be Aware of Tug Boats on the Fraser River
Posted on October 16th 2013, by Rodney Hsu, webmaster

While anglers enjoy the fantastic fall salmon and sturgeon fishing in the Lower Fraser River , please be aware of the presence of tug boats when both moving and anchoring.
Due to fog and the influx of boat anglers during this time of the year, big tug boat operators are concerned that potential accidents may occur as the tugs and barges move up and downstream.
With two barges being towed, tug boats cannot stop or navigate around all small anchored boats. There was a very close incident yesterday on the river just upstream from the Port Mann Bridge, where an angler moved and anchored in the main channel. The tug boat had to readjust its course with very little time spared, which could have resulted in a collision and serious injuries.
Incidents such as this can be easily prevented, by paying attention to your surroundings when anchoring and warning other anglers who may not be aware of their position in the river.
Please remember, all tugs and barges have the right of way in the shipping channel. They cannot move fast and have to work hard to stay away from recreational boats. Our cooperation can keep this playground and work environment safe for all parties.
When fishing in the Fraser River, please pay attention. Tug boats blow their horn loudly. You may be in their path and need to move as fast as possible.
If you have a VHF radio:
- Tugs are on Channels 68 and 69 above Mission Bridge.
- Tugs are on Channel 6 below Mission Bridge.
- They can also be found communicating on Channels 78, 79 & 80 when they are yarding.
Many thanks to Dean Werk from Great River Fishing Adventures for relaying this information to all anglers.