A float is a terminal tackle used in float fishing. It serves two purposes: To keep the hook away from snags in the water and to act as a bite indicator.

When fishing at places where the river, lake or sea bottom is covered with debris, a float is often used. The float sits on the water surface and the angler can adjust how much line he or she would like from the float to the hook. The float depth is adjusted so the hook does not sink to the bottom, therefore snags are avoided.
When a fish bites and pulls the hook, the float would start sinking. This tells the angler what is happening underneath the water so he or she would hook the fish.
A float requires certain amount of weight to balance it. If the float is more buoyant, then more weight is required. A float that is not properly balanced may not sink when a fish bites.
There are many different types of floats available in the market and each is designed for a specific fishery. Long, slim floats are usually used in lake fisheries where current is minimal, while shorter, wider floats are used in river fisheries where water is often turbulent.