Jones Lake, Hope
By Rodney Hsu

Located between Chilliwack and Hope, Jones Lake is a reservoir where camping and fishing are available in spring and summer. The lake produces rainbow trout, cutthroat trout and kokanee, making it an interesting multi-species fishery. Beside its productive fishery, the view of the Cheam Range in the background is what attracts most recreational users to this lake.
Jones Lake's rainbow trout and kokanee populations naturally recruit themselves, while its cutthroat trout are stocked by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC.
How to Get There?
To get to Jones Lake, take the Jones Lake/Laidlaw exit from Highway 1, about 20 minute drive East of Chilliwack. After the exit, follow the sign up the mountain on a logging road. Depending on the condition of the road, it can take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to reach Jones Lake from the bottom. A truck or 4WD is recommended as the road condition is usually not great.
Fishing Season
Jones Lake can be fished year round, fishing is usually best when water level is low. In the spring months, when water temperature rises, fishing can be very consistent. Fishing usually is good throughout the summer as it generally does not get too hot its high elevation.
Fishing Techniques
When water level is low, fishing can be done from shore at Jones Lake. Try fishing with bait by either anchoring it on the bottom or suspended with a float to avoid snags. Dew worm, salmon roe, single eggs, shrimp and krill will all work well.
If you decide to bring in a boat, please note that it is impossible to launch a boat from a trailer when water level is low. A better option is a cartopper which can be carried in. A boat allows anglers to reach many more spots in this lake. There are several creek mouths where fishing can be excellent. Most boaters prefer trolling, but a better tactic is anchoring at productive spots and casting small lures like a Gibbs Croc spoon.
Important Notes
Before your first fishing trip to Jones Lake, please make sure you know the following information:
- You must have a valid British Columbia freshwater fishing license.
- Jones Lake is located in Region 2 in the British Columbia freshwater fishing regulations.
- Please respect other recreational users at this lake, bring all garbage back home.