It's Trout Season in Vancouver!
By Rodney Hsu, Fishing with Rod | Published in June 2005

Hey kids, bring out the spinning rod and reel, it is rainbow trout season! Thanks to the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery, lake fishing in the Lower Mainland is fantastic between April and September!
Fishing for a few relaxing hours with friends and family by the lake with a few fish as a bonus can be an excellent way to spend the evenings after work or school. Between Squamish and Mission, there are up to twenty kid-friendly lakes where trout fishing is consistently productive. Each year, staff at the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery stock up to 1,000 rainbow trout in each lake, to ensure that everyone can experience the thrill of catching!
Because the rainbow trout are raised at a hatchery and programmed to eat artificial feeds, bait fishing is the easiest method to entice them. Bait that have proven to be successful include dew worm, shrimp, roe sac, PowerBait and artificial salmon eggs. You can increase your success by paying close attention to details such as line weight, float and hook size. When fishing, move your float several feet once awhile if the action is slow. Keep that line tight, and be ready to pull when that float goes under!
Keys to baitfishing success (left to right): A small Drennan float such as this 7g Loafer provides the sensitivity needed but also heavy enough for distance casting from shore. Shrimp are irresistible to rainbow trout and they rarely fail during at the local lakes. Small split shots and hooks between size 4 and 8 allow you to fish with confidence!
For more information on bait fishing for these stocked rainbow trout, please go to this article.
For a more challenging way to fish, try casting artificial lures or flies. Small bright spinners and spoons can grab a fish's attention from a great distance on a sunny day. Too often the fish becomes aggravated by the vibration of the lure and ends up biting it. Typical flies that work well at lakes in the Lower Mainland are leeches and in various colours. Don't be afraid to change. A change of lure or fly can suddenly improve your result.
Artificial weapons (left to right): A small silvery lure trailed with a size 6 hook is irrisitible to any fish. A light spinning reel with a smooth drag is necessary for trout spinning. Assorted small flies such as wooly buggers and doc spratleys are usually productive.
For more information on lure fishing for these stocked rainbow trout, please go to this article.
For a list of lakes that are regularly stocked with catchable rainbow trout up to 12 inches by the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery, please go to the Region Two fishing location guide. Daily quota for most lakes is four fish per person per day, but some lakes have specific quota. Como Lake has an age restriction, only anglers who are under 16 and above 65 can fish it. When fishing, be sure to respect your fellow anglers by keeping the area clean. If you see an angler who is keeping too many fish or violating other regulations, be sure to contact the conservation officers. By doing so, you can keep your favorite local lakes angler-friendly.