Mamit Lake, Merritt
By Rodney Hsu

Located along Highway 97C between Merritt and Logan Lake is a large waterbody that produces a variety of fish species for boat anglers. Beside rainbow trout, Mamit Lake also produces northern pikeminnow, largescale sucker and peamouth chub. The latter three are often regarded as a nuisance to trout anglers, but they certainly keep a slow fishing day interesting when trout are not biting. Rainbow trout in this lake are not too big, usually between 1 and 3lb, but they are known for performing multiple jumps when hooked.
How to Get There?
To get to Mamit Lake, simply drive along Highway 97C between Merritt and Logan Lake. It can easily be seen from the road as you reach the halfway point between these two towns. A boat launch can be found at a pullout by the highway.
Fishing Season
Fishing at Mamit Lake is best done between June and August when heavy hatches of chiromonids take place. In the winter, ice fishing is best between mid January and mid March.
Fishing Techniques
A boat is definitely required at Mamit Lake as fishing results vary from day to day and spot to spot at Mamit Lake. If you are not trolling, then a strong double anchor system is highly recommended because this lake can be extremely windy on most days.
Fly fishing usually produces the best result as a chiromonid pattern dangled below an indicator resembles the fish's diet more accurately. A 4/5wt outfit is adequate enough to suit the size of trout found in this lake. from the end of your floating line, tie on a leader that is up to 15ft. Adjust the depth of your indicator until you determine where fish are feeding. Most feeding are done in less than 10ft of water. Small chiromonid patterns in size 14 and 16, in silver/red, oliver/red colour patterns work best.
Rainbow trout in this lake often grab the presentation without much hesitation, so hold on to your rod to avoid unwelcoming surprises such as seeing your rod flying overboard. Minnow species (northern pikeminnow, largescale sucker, peamouth chub) can be as large as 6lb.
If you do not fly fish, then you can still suspend a fly under a float with a light spinning outfit. A 2 to 6lb test setup should be sufficient enough for this fishery. In winter, ice fishing is best done by bottom fishing with krill and dew worm. Other terminal tackle that are worth trying out include small spoons, spinners and jigs around 1/8oz or less.
Important Notes
Before your first fishing trip to Mamit Lake, please make sure you know the following information:
- You must have a valid British Columbia freshwater fishing license.
- Mamit Lake is located in Region 3 in the British Columbia freshwater fishing regulations.
- It is a big lake where weather condition can change very fast, so be prepared by having the right boating equipment that are suitable for big waterbodies.