Marquart Lake, Merritt
By Rodney Hsu

Located just outside of Merritt, Marquart Lake is a small, clear lake which offers good rainbow trout fishing, camping and other outdoor activities nearby.
How to Get There?
From Merritt, travel east on Highway 97C (Okanagan Connector). After leaving Merritt for about ten minutes, look for the Marquart/Lundbom Lakes recreation sites sign and turn left into the park. Marquart Lake is the first of many lakes in this area. There is a day use area at the Southwestern end of the lake (the first parking area as you approach the lake). The camping and boat launch areas are at the Northeastern end of the lake.
Fishing Season
Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC stocks Pennask rainbow trout into Marquart Lake every spring. Stocked fisha are yearlings and are expected to be catchable after spending one year in the lake. Fishing is generally good throughout spring and fall. Summer can be slow due to the heat. It offers ice fishing opportunities throughout the winter months.
Fishing Techniques
Rainbow trout in Marquart Lake can be caught by using a variety of fishing techniques. In spring and fall, the most effective method is fly fishing with fly patterns which match these rainbow trout's diet. Chironomids, blood worms, leeches, damselfly nymphs are commonly used by either fished with or without an indicator. Focus on the sections along the shoreline where depth is between 10 and 20 feet.
Marquart Lake is a very deep lake, so bigger fish are found but not commonly caught. Trolling with a spoon in deeper water also works great at times.
The shoreline along the day use area has direct access to water that is deep enoughwhere fish can be found, so float fishing or lure casting from shore is doable and can easily produce fish if condition is right.
Important Notes
Before your first fishing trip to Marquart Lake, please make sure you know the following information:
- You must have a valid British Columbia freshwater fishing license.
- Marquart Lake is located in Region 3 in the British Columbia freshwater fishing regulations.
- Marquart Lake is located in a popular recreational site, so please respect other users and wildlife by following the park rules.