January 27th, 2005: Lower Fraser Sturgeon Monitoring Summary 2004

Follow-up report of previous summary. From Troy Nelson, Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society:


In celebration of PIT tag number 20,000 deployed in the same number of live white sturgeon since the start of the FRSCS' Lower Fraser River White Sturgeon Monitoring and Assessment Program, I have attached a sampling summary of sturgeon sampled, tags applied, recaptured, and lengths for the study that commenced in October 1999, through 31 Dec 2004.

Some of the remarkable achievements of the program include:

20,015 tags released (in the "head" location) by program volunteers.
4,696 of these tags recaptured.
27,932 individual sturgeon sampled (scanned for the presence of a PIT tag).
These high sample sizes provide the means to estimate the population of lower Fraser white sturgeon with high precision.

Here's another statistic that sings of the efforts applied by our team:

2.8 million centimeters of sturgeon measured. That's over 28 kms of sturgeon sampled! Imagine a line of sturgeon - each nose in the tail fork of the sturgeon in front - that stretches up the middle of the Fraser River from the Mission Bridge to the Island 22 boat launch. That is the length of sturgeon we have sampled in the past 5 years.

In addition, high numbers of the tagged fish are being recaptured multiple times, sometimes in locations many kms from the last previous capture event. One fish has been captured by our crew 7 times (6 recapture events) - some fish never learn!

On behalf of the FRSCS Board of Directors, thanks to all everyone on all the teams that have kept this project moving onward and upward. It's a program of which we can all be proud.

Troy C. Nelson
Resource Management Biologist
LGL Limited environmental research associates
Executive Director
Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society
Mailing Address:
3299 137A Street
Crescent Beach, BC V4P 2B5
Phone: 604-535-1768
Fax: 604-535-1769
Cell: 604-720-9768

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