2013 Stave River Adult Steelhead Angler Creel
Posted on January 22nd 2013, by BC Conservation Foundation
In an attempt to increase steelhead returns and improve angling, the BC Conservation Foundation along with the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources Operations, BC Hydro and Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC initiated a study on the Stave River.
For 3 consecutive years, hatchery-raised juvenile steelhead were reared in a net pen in Hayward Lake for up to 3 months prior to reaching smolt size. It is anticipated that this additional time spent imprinting on Stave watershed water will improve their homing ability to return to the Stave River after spending 2 years in the ocean. This year is the third and final year of assessing the return rate of adult steelhead. The creel has expanded to include the Alouette River to assess the number of strays from the Stave.
BCCF is seeking volunteer anglers' assistance to report their catches in the Stave River and Alouette River. The purpose is to determine the proportion of catch that falls into three categories:
- Wild: No clips
- Hatchery: Adipose only clip
- Hatchery and pen-raised: Adipose clip AND a right or left maxillary clip
If you catch a steelhead in the winter of 2013 in the Stave River or Alouette River, this is how you can help:
- Record the date, number of hours fished and the catch type (which category)
- Take a photo (if possible) to assess the presence of clips (adipose and/or maxillary)
- Email this information and photo(s) to BCCF (dharper@bccf.com)
All information provided will be kept strictly confidential. Please remember, all wild fish must be released with care. The daily quota of Stave River steelhead is two hatchery (adipose and/or max. clipped) steelhead but only one over 50cm long. The daily quota of Alouette River steelhead is one hatchery (adipose and/or max. clipped) steelhead.
BCCF would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to respond to this request. We look forward to working together to protect and enhance steelhead angling opportunities.
If you would like more information on the project, please contact:
Dave Harper,
BC Conservation Foundation
Greater Georgia Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan
www.steelheadrecoveryplan.ca#206 - 17564 56A Ave
Surrey, BC, V3S 1G3
Tel: (604) 576-1433
Fax: (604) 576-1482
Office: (604) 576-1432 Ext.305
Email: dharper@bccf.com
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