Edna Lake, Merritt
By Rodney Hsu

Edna Lake is one of many small high elevation lakes just outside of Merritt where quality stillwater flyfishing can be found. It is regularly stocked with brook trout by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and they can grow up to 6lb. The fishing can be unpredictable and challenging at times, but the surroundings make this a peaceful refuge for both local and visiting anglers.
How to Get There?
From Merritt, travel east on Highway 97C (Okanagan Connector). After leaving Merritt for about ten minutes, turn right onto Iron Mountain Road, which is a steep but smooth gravel road. Travel up the mountain on Iron Mountain Road for approximately ten minutes and Edna Lake can be found right beside the road. Your boat can be launched at the shallow marshy end of the lake.
Fishing Season
Fly fishing for brook trout at Edna Lake is best in May and June while ice fishing is done throughout the winter months.
Fishing Techniques
A boat is necessary if you intend to fish Edna Lake. Because it is not a very big lake, a small boat, pontoon boat or even float tube is sufficient enough. It can be quite windy at times, so anchors are a must so you can stay at one spot.
Flyfishing is best when targeting brook trout in spring and summer. While a chironomid pattern fished under an indicator can be very productive, one should not neglect large nymph patterns and small dry flies. Look for rises on the surface to find fish that are actively feeding. Unlike rainbow trout, brook trout have a tendency to bite softly so your hook-set needs to be as precise as possible.
Most fish are in the 1 to 2lb range while the odd fish that you encounter can be up to 6lb. A 3 to 5wt flyfishing setup is ideal for this fishery.
Important Notes
Before your first fishing trip to Edna Lake, please make sure you know the following information:
- You must have a valid British Columbia freshwater fishing license.
- Edna Lake is located in Region 3 in the British Columbia freshwater fishing regulations.
- Edna Lake is surrounded by private farm lands so please respect land owners by keeping the noise down and ensuring no garbage are left behind. When driving up to the lake, keep your speed down as cattles often wander on the road.
- Like other small lakes, winterkills sometimes occur so it is best to check with your local tacklestores before planning a trip to Edna Lake.