Brook Trout
Salvelinus fontinalis

Brook trout are also known as brook char or Eastern brook trout. Native to Eastern North America, they have been introduced in British Columbia and stocked in a number of lakes where anglers enjoy targeting them in the summer months on both fly and bait rods. In the winter months, they are also regularly targeted by ice fishermen.
Brook trout are released into lakes by Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC when they are yearlings. Average size of brook trout ranges between 1 and 4lb, while larger fish are available in lakes where they survive through several winters. Although they do not jump like rainbow trout, they still put up a strong fight on the line by diving deeply with their thick body. These fish do not grow very long, but they make up for it by their large girth.
Brook trout will attack spoons and spinners often, so you can catch them by simply casting and retrieving a lure with a light spinning tackle. In the winter months, brook trout are caught by dangling a piece of bait such as dew worm, single egg, deli shrimp and krill. Fly fishing in spring can be very effective when targeting these fish. A size 10 to 14 chironomid which matches the hatch can be extremely productive when dangled under a strike indicator at the right depth. Dragonfly nymph and leech patterns being stripped in slowly can also attract fish.
Brook trout are known for their excellent eating quality, but fish caught in the summer months can be muddy so the best time to harvest them is in winter and spring.